Working together for a resilient, productive landscape

Update: MFC has been awarded £185,000 by NatureScot through the Nature Restoration Fund!

We are the Moray Farm Cluster, a network of farmers and land managers across the Laich of Moray working together to enhance our landscape.

The Moray Farm Cluster is responding to concerns about habitat fragmentation, climate vulnerability and the spread of INNS. The cluster is a farmer-led initiative to reverse the decline of biodiversity in the area, increase the climate and economic resilience of the agricultural businesses involved and promote wider regional well-being through a community involvement and engagement with the recovering landscape.

Our Aims

Joint Learning
  • By visiting each other’s farms
  • Inviting experts to visit and share their knowledge with us
  • Visiting other places that showcase success
Habitat Conservation
  • Restoration and creation of hedgerows to create wildlife corridors
  • Woodland improvement to enhance on-farm biodiversity
  • And integration of livestock management in the enhancement of existing habitats
Water quality
  • River and wetland restoration to improve resilience to extreme weather
  • Joined up approaches to the management of INNS and deer management treating the landscape as a whole, connected environment
Community engagement
  • Engaging with our community to help educate, improve access, and share our experiences as land managers and opportunities to participate in citizen science

Our Members

The Moray Farm Cluster brings together 14 farmers and landholdings across the Laich of Moray, covering an area of 6,600ha. Within the cluster are land managers of arable, livestock and mixed farming enterprises, poultry, pigs and other diversified enterprises. The members are a mixture of tenant and owner occupier farmers from estates, commercial farm businesses and smaller mixed farming enterprises. All of us recognise the need to work together for environmentally friendly farming and that by learning together we can both produce food more sustainably and restore nature.

The Moray Farm Cluster are supported by Sylvestris Land Management.